Album: 2012 japan studytour public:part 6: Kokura, Yawata Steel

The Sun Sky Hotel, our stay in Kokura

the breakfast room

breakfast buffet

Kokura views

The Kokura castle

group picture in front of the Kokura castle

Also Palms grow here

inside the castle

Interesting ice available

Views from the top of the castle

We were not sure for a while wether this is a statue..

Transfer to Yamata Steel

Getting informations at Yamata

After the informations we prepared with gloves and helmets to directly see the blast furnace.

We also walked 10 meters next to glowing metal bars which were flattened. Quite impressive, one could feel the heat in that distance.

Can you guess which kind of store this is?

Meeting in the evening

I am not much into beer, but there are nice mixdrinks with sake around.

Me, beeing a menace to apple equipment again..
Album created by album a MarginalHack written by David Madison on Sun Jul 15 19:14:58 2012