===== Links ===== * https://github.com/airscripts/awesome-steam-deck#readme * https://dosdeck.com/ - play DOS games on the browser ===== First commands ===== * Initial setup hangs at '1 second remaining': poweroff the steam deck, and have it connect to a 2.5Ghz network. I did run the wlan chip of my Thinkpad with Fedora38 in Access Point mode for this. * Desktop mode: power off menu, choose desktop mode * run ssh: * enter desktop mode, start kconsole * 'passwd' to set a password for the user * %%'sudo systemctl enable --now sshd'%% * 'ip a s' to see the current IP addressses * from remote system: ssh deck@ * invoke virtual keyboard on the screen: + * Install flatpak: 'pacman -S flatpak' * **RetroDeck** emulation platform * https://retrodeck.net/ * https://flathub.org/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck -- install details * run it: 'flatpak run net.retrodeck.retrodeck' * Amiga disk file format: https://retrox.tv/multi-disk-support/ * **mosh** * 'pacman -S mosh' * locale errors: 'pacman -Syu glibc; locale-gen' * Disable touchscreen without a HDMI screen configured * I was curious on how this changes power consumption * configuration: install arandr with 'pacman -S arandr', go to desktop mode, run 'arandr' from a terminal, disable internal screen * => disabling touchscreen vs. dimmed down touchscreen brings down consumption by 0.7W ===== pacman cheatsheet ===== # pacman setup steamos-readonly disable pacman-key --populate archlinux # install mosh pacman -S mosh # Upgrade pacman packages: pacman -Syu # search for packages with ^apr pacman -Ss '^apr' # which package has file limits.h? pacman -Fy limits.h ===== Fedora ===== You can nicely install Fedora 39. Ventoy did not start, but writing a Fedora server image to a usb-stick, putting that into the steck deck dock, then keeping "volume down" pressed and pressing "power" allows to boot from the usb-stick. Also booting from usb3-connected NVMe enclosure works, but that is later in Anaconda not available for Fedora installation. Installing onto microsd card works. I run Plasma. nebula virtual vpn. RHEL9 virtualized via KVM. Remote desktop via VNC works nicely: just execute 'krfb'. Plasma can also nicely do scaling, do you can stuff quite some things onto the 1280x screen.