===== Criteria for deciding where/when to travel ===== * **Environment friendliness** * Japan's trains are great and recommended. * **Onsen:** Japan is famous for bathes/onsen * [[https://www.nippon.com/ja/japan-data/h01189/|most popular onsen as of 2021]]. Excerpt, in case the site disappears: 草津(群馬),箱根(神奈川),登別(北海道),道後(愛媛),別府(大分),有馬(兵庫),黒川(熊本),熱海(静岡),由布院(大分),下呂(岐阜) * **Food:** * all regions have their [[https://www.tofugu.com/japan/japanese-food-by-prefecture/|specialities]] * **Time for travel:** * around first half of April is nice because of the cherry-blooming * early summer: rainseason/梅雨 * summer is hot/humid, but bearable ===== Linux and OpenSource groups ===== * LILO: https://lilo.linux.or.jp/ * Tokaido LUG: https://tokaidolug.colorfultime.net/ * Events * Kansai Open Forum: in November Osaka https://www.k-of.jp/ * Open Source Conference 2020: https://ospn.jp/ ===== Osaka ===== * 大阪ミナミ(なんば、道頓堀、心斎橋 周辺) 大阪の観光場所です。グリコが有名。とてもにぎやかで、美味しいお店やお土産物やさんがたくさんある * 通天閣 (新世界) ここも、大阪の観光場所です。下町という感じ。スパワールドという、温泉があります。https://www.spaworld.co.jp/english/ * 海遊館 大阪にある水族館です。とても大きくて、世界最大級です。 https://www.kaiyukan.com/language/german/ * 梅田スカイビル とにかくかっこいい! * 万博記念公園 岡本太郎さんが作った「太陽の塔」が有名。国立民俗学博物館もあります。 * 奈良(なら)公園、東大寺(世界遺産) 奈良県です。大仏はめっちゃ大きいよ。15mくらいある。大阪から一時間。 * 高野山(こうやさん)、金剛峯寺(世界遺産) 和歌山県です。私も行ったことがないけれど、とても良いところみたいです。自然がいっぱい。 * 箕面の滝 - 自然がいっぱいです。大阪の北のほう。野生の猿が。 https://www.mino-park.jp ===== Links ===== * Hotel lookup/reservation * https://www.jalan.net/ https://booking.com https://travel.rakuten.co.jp/en/ * also: tripadvisor trivago.de * Flight lookup/reservation * google flights * https://matrix.itasoftware.com/ * https://www.econnectjapan.com/ -- SIM cards for internet access. Google maps has all the subway schedules, one only needs to say "I am here and want to go there" to get guidance. * [[https://www.spoon-tamago.com/japan-museum-cafes/|Museum caffees across Japan]] * [[https://oag.jp/events/simon-essler-guenstig-reisen-in-japan/|Simon Essler: „Günstig reisen in Japan“]] ===== Further ideas ===== * Suntory Whisky factory excursion * 中山道/なかせんどう - Edo period Edo/Kyoto highway, https://tokaimon.net/blog/2017/05/05/post3345/ * Place: Kiso Hirazawa * https://www.zenbo-seinei.com/ * city Naraijyuku, sightseeing, also on the 中山道 * city Magome * city Tsumagome * city Takayama, sightseeing * city Shirakawago, Toyota Shirakawa-Go Eco-Institute, https://toyota.eco-inst.jp/ , +++. Also good as base for hiking trips. * sightseeing Shirakawago unesco village https://shirakawa-go.org/ * city Gokayama, family Mirakami house: https://www.mustlovejapan.com/subject/murakami_house/ * Wajima morning market at 9:00 * Eiheiji temple, 200 monks live there * Spa Hotel Yuraku * Tojinbo sea sightseeing * Wakasa Obama Food Culture Museum, https://www1.city.obama.fukui.jp/obm/mermaid/ * Amanohashidate fishers village, mountain with lift * Ine, Kyoto prefecture: port seeing/ship cruise * trains: Japan has some [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_named_passenger_trains_of_Japan|special trains]], many very expensive though. [[https://twilightexpress-mizukaze.jp/en/|Twilight express]], train suite, ななつ星in九州. Tickets start at $2.500 for one overnight trip. * [[https://cycleshikoku.com/|Shikoku by bike]] * https://www.kalzumeus.com/japan-recommendations/ - Tokyo and Japan recommendations * 秘湯 - "secret" onsen ===== My 'todo list' to visit or do in Japan ===== * 金沢 * 沖縄 * 上高地。温泉も山も楽しめて、そんなに暑くないと思います。 * 宮城県の作並温泉 * 立山 * 東京 * Jiyugaoka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiy%C5%ABgaoka,_Meguro,_Tokyo * 大国魂神社 https://www.ookunitamajinja.or.jp/ * 報国寺(鎌倉):bamboo * https://en.rocketnews24.com/2015/10/02/7-incredible-japanese-destinations-that-tourists-havent-discovered-yet/ * Narai-Juku, village in old style, Nagano Prefecture * Yakushima island, reachable from Kagoshima * Standing Sushi in the Tsukiji Fish Market * Takaragawa Onsen Osenkaku * Takao Beer Mount * Ideas for golden week: * https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2427.html * Dewa Sanzan: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e7900.html * Mount Hakkoda: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3780.html * Okama Crater: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e7929.html * The Japanese Alps