===== What? ===== Some thoughts for selecting software used for teaching over the internet. * **Open Source** * These are all privacy friendly and free of charge * **software: Jami:** * pro: peer2peer, after server initially establishes connection * https://jami.net * TLS1.3 end2end encryption. * functionality: chat, audio-call, video-call, exchanging files * **software: Jitsi meet** * con: requires server, but the free default one might be sufficient * issues with videochats of 35+ persons * [[https://jotbe.io/blog/2020/04/jitsi-meet-questions-and-answers/index.de.html|details]] * **software: Big Blue Button** * con: requires server * **Proprietary code base** * Here one has to trust the vendor regarding privacy. Codebase can not be audited by everybody. * **software: Skype** * con: account required * pro: no own server required * **software: Google hangouts** * con: account required * con: just 10 participants possible * pro: no own server required * hangouts is free and for private, google meet is commercial for business * **software: Zoom** * con: recent security issues * **software: Bluejeans** * further: Microsoft teams, Facebook, Apple facetime (Apple devices only), Cisco Webex ===== Links ===== * [[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Schulsoftware-Threema-ja-Zoom-und-Microsoft-Office-365-eher-nicht-4711961.html|Germany: threema, big blue button, moodle recommended]] * [[https://netzpolitik.org/2020/ganz-nach-bedarf/|Uni Oldenburg: Open Source strategy]] * [[https://www.golem.de/news/big-blue-button-wie-ccc-urgesteine-gegen-teams-und-zoom-kaempfen-2005-148560.html|German activity for opensource at schools]] * [[https://digitalcourage.de/netzwerk-freie-schulsoftware|Schulen helfen Schulen/Netzwerk Freie Schulsoftware]] * German: [[https://querulantin.de/Vortraege/|princess has great material around these topics]], especially [[https://querulantin.de/Vortraege/Dokumente/landjugend-sicherimnetz.202011+notizen.pdf|this presentation]] * Daten im richtigen Leben, Daten im Netz, Sicherheit: Passworte und PINs, Real Name – oder nicht?, Konzerne und was diese wollen, Internet in der Schule, Sucht, Mobbing und die dunkle Seite