* [[/society/corona_teaching/en/1-terms|Glossary/definition of terms used here]] * [[/society/corona_teaching/en/2-opensource|Opensource]] * What is OpenSource? * Is OpenSource secure/safe? When children bring their own devices to school (BYOD), security is important. * [[/society/corona_teaching/en/3-internet|Internet]] * I see why the internet is important for life, but why should it be used in school lessons? Where is this "you have to use it in lessons" rooted? * We teach skills "excel and microsoft office", why is "internet knowledge" important? * I heard that using tablets in lessons lowers the ability to learn, there is a study. Apples CEO also does not give a smartphone to his children. * [[/society/corona_teaching/en/4-online-lessons|Online lessons]] * What is a "service", and what is a "software"? * How can I find out which software or service I should use for my lessons? * Example: we use LINE for chats. How does it fare? Under which circumstances should I look for alternatives? * I'm worried that we rely on one service/software, and it becomes suddenly unusable. How bad is that? How can I prevent that? * Can you make recommendations of free (as in free beer) software which I can use for teaching? * I'm worried about apps/software leaking information, is that a problem at all? How fares "Google Classroom" in that regard? * Can you give us recommendations how we can use computer/the internet to enhance school essons? * For example, which tech do you use for doing this teaching session, Chris? * For example, which tech do you use for your own learning, Chris?