===== What? ===== Collecting snippets here for benchmarking. Eventually, I want to benchmark Thinkpad L480 vs. Nintento switch vs. Raspi 4, all running Linux. Goal is not to compare bare computing power, I already did that, but computing power together with power consumption: so who computes most for per consumed power? ===== John the ripper ===== * threads: by default, one thread per cpu is spawned. Fits the 3 benchmark platforms, all have 4 cpus * memory: John seems to take >100MB or RAM, fits all 3 benchmark platforms * I need some simple password which can be found after some time.. to measure the time. cd Downloads wget https://www.openwall.com/john/k/john-1.9.0-jumbo-1.tar.xz tar xJfv john-1.9.0-jumbo-1.tar.xz cd john-1.9.0-jumbo-1/src/ ./configure make -s clean && make -sj4 cd ../run # for testing, hash password 'calvin' and see if it gets # found by john openssl passwd -6 -salt xyz calvin >mypasswd_test_sha512 ./john mypasswd_test_sha512 # if you want to bruteforce hashes from the running system sudo ./unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > mypasswd ./john mypasswd # other hash creation methods openssl passwd -1 -salt xyz secretpassword >mypasswd_md5 openssl passwd -2 -salt xyz secretpassword >mypasswd_sha256 openssl passwd -6 -salt xyz secretpassword >mypasswd_sha512 === Some results, Thinkpad L480 === ^ passwd ^ crypt ^ runtime^ calculations/sec^ power loaded ^calculations/Wh^ | aaaaa | sha512 | 47sec| 5053C/s| 14.7V/1.9A / 25mAh | 202.1k| | aaaaa | md5 | 1sec| 2273C/s| | | | aaaab | md5 | 241sec| 9091C/s| | | * power consumption unloaded: 14.7V/0.24A * 1Ah = 202120 sha512 operations === Some results, raspi4/2GB === ^ passwd ^ crypt ^ runtime^ calculations/sec ^ power loaded ^calculations/Wh^ | aaaaa | sha512 | 492sec| 485.3C/s| 5.07V/1.01A / 142mAh | 3.5k| | aaaaa | md5 | 17sec| 14313C/s| 5.07V/1.01A / 3mAh | 4771.0k| | aaaab | md5 | 3506ec| 17120C/s| 5.07V/1.01A / 872mAh | | * power consumption unloaded: 5.13V/0.45A * 1Ah = 3415 sha512 operations * => For sha512 operations, for a given amount of electric energy like 1Ah, the raspi4 is doing 2% of the operations which the Thinkpad does with the energy.