===== Compiling on Fedora38 ===== dnf -y install git flex python-devel make tar bison gcc-c++ \ perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker.noarch gcc-c++ python3-devel rpm-build \ initscripts ncurses-devel readline-devel zlib-devel \ systemd-devel autoconf libselinux-devel libuv-devel \ setools-console libsemanage-devel selinux-policy-devel # ensure pcp user/group exist. # 'make install' relies on this useradd pcp mkdir /pcpserv && cd /pcpserv git clone https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp cd pcp ./Makepkgs cd ./pcp-*/build/rpm # remove existing pcp rpms rpm -evh $(rpm -qa|grep pcp|grep -v grafana|xargs) \ perl-PCP-PMDA # install minimum packages dnf localinstall pcp-6*$(uname -m).rpm pcp-libs-6.*rpm \ pcp-conf-6.*rpm pcp-selinux-6.*rpm pcp-pmda-denki-6.*rpm \ pcp-zeroconf-6.*.rpm pcp-system-tools-6.*.rpm \ pcp-doc-6.*noarch.rpm pcp-pmda-dm-6.*rpm \ pcp-pmda-nfsclient-6.*rpm pcp-pmda-openmetrics-6.*rpm \ python3-pcp-6.*rpm # optional: install devel packages dnf localinstall pcp-devel-6.*.rpm \ pcp-libs-devel-6.*.rpm \ pcp-testsuite-6*.rpm perl-PCP-PMDA-6*.rpm \ pcp-pmda*rpm pcp-debuginfo-6*.rpm systemctl start pmcd systemctl status pmcd pminfo ===== Compiling on RHEL7 ===== * install rhel7.5 x86_64 # activate base and optional channels yum install \ https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm yum -y install git flex python-devel make tar \ bison perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker.noarch gcc-c++ mkdir /pcpserv && cd /pcpserv git clone https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp cd pcp ./Makepkgs cd ./pcp-*/build/tar ./preinstall here=`pwd` ( cd /; tar xpf $here/pcp-*-[0-9]*.tar.gz ) ./postinstall systemctl start pmcd systemctl status pmcd pminfo # ./configure --prefix=/ # make # make install ===== Compiling on RHEL8 ===== * install RHEL8.2 yum -y install git flex make tar \ bison perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker.noarch gcc-c++ \ python3-devel rpm-build initscripts ncurses-devel \ readline-devel zlib-devel autoconf systemd-devel # libuv-devel needs to be installed, so pmproxy can # communicate with grafana. # ensure pcp user/group exist. # 'make install' relies on this useradd pcp mkdir /pcpserv && cd /pcpserv git clone https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp cd pcp ./Makepkgs cd ./pcp-6*/build/rpm # install rpms, i.e. for pcp-6 dnf localinstall pcp-6.*.x86_64.rpm pcp-libs-6.*.x86_64.rpm \ pcp-conf-6.*.x86_64.rpm pcp-zeroconf-6.*.x86_64.rpm \ pcp-doc-6.*.noarch.rpm pcp-pmda-dm-6.*.x86_64.rpm \ pcp-pmda-nfsclient-6.*.x86_64.rpm pcp-system-tools-6.*.x86_64.rpm \ pcp-pmda-netcheck-6.*.x86_64.rpm python3-pcp-6.*.x86_64.rpm \ pcp-pmda-openmetrics-6.*.x86_64.rpm systemctl start pmcd systemctl status pmcd pminfo ===== Running the qa suite ===== # install required packages yum localinstall pcp-testsuite-6*rpm pcp-pmda*rpm pcp-debuginfo*rpm \ perl-PCP-PMDA-6*rpm # preparing for QA tests useradd -m pcpqa echo 'pcpqa ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >/etc/sudoers.d/pcpqa mkdir ~pcpqa/.ssh cp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ~pcpqa/.ssh chown -R pcpqa:pcpqa ~pcpqa/.ssh /var/lib/pcp/testsuite # now change into user pcpqa.. su - pcpqa cd /var/lib/pcp/testsuite ./chk.setup admin/check-vm ./check 000 $ cat ~/.gitconfig [user] email = chorn@ name = Christian Horn [push] default = simple ===== Own branches ===== # checkout own branch git clone -b fix-lmsensors-parser \ https://github.com/christianhorn/pcp.git fix-lmsensors-parser # modify files git commit . git push # pylint --output-format=colorized pmdalmsensors.python # pylint --rcfile=/home/chris/Downloads/.pylintrc \ --output-format=colorized pmdalmsensors.python ===== Stripping down pmlogger metrics ===== You might just archive metrics with pmlogger for creating graphs with grafana, and not want to use them for debugging. In that case, you could * initially run pmlogger with the metrics suggested by pcp-zeroconf * then create dashboard which show everything you need. While doing that, you might add metrics to the pmlogger config, so they get archived. * once you are happy, you can use the dashboard json-code to understand which metrics you use, and create a new config which only contains _these_ metrics. I used this workflow: * 'sudo dnf -y install xclip' * in your dashboard, go on the top to 'dashboard settings' * click 'json model', right click the json code, click 'select all' and 'copy' # then, in a terminal use this to store the dashboard json xclip -o -selection clipboard >grafana.json # lets now extract the sources grep expr grafana.json | sed -e 's,.*": ",\t,' -e 's,".*,,' -e 's,{.*,,' Some values from there should be collapsed, for example lmsensors.acpitz_acpi_0.temp1 lmsensors.coretemp_isa_0000.core_0 lmsensors.coretemp_isa_0000.core_1 into lmsensors ..which will capture all the deeper metrics. # Then use the metrics in file # /var/lib/pcp/config/pmlogger/config.default . For example: ###### log advisory on default { lmsensors kernel.all.load mem.util.cached mem.physmem mem.util.free kernel.percpu.cpu.user kernel.percpu.cpu.sys kernel.all.pswitch kernel.all.runnable mem.util.used mem.util.cached mem.util.free mem.vmstat.pgfault mem.vmstat.pgmajfault network.interface.in.bytes network.interface.out.bytes network.interface.in.drops network.interface.out.drops network.interface.in.packets network.interface.in.packets network.tcp.timeouts network.tcp.listenoverflows network.tcp.listendrops network.tcp.retranssegs network.tcp.fastretrans network.tcp.slowstartretrans network.tcp.synretrans disk.dev.read_rawactive disk.dev.write_rawactive disk.dev.read disk.dev.write disk.dev.read_bytes disk.dev.write_bytes disk.dev.avactive } [access] disallow .* : all; disallow :* : all; allow local:* : enquire; ### systemctl restart pmlogger ===== Hints ===== * [[https://hub.github.com/#developer|Will use 'hub' for next pull request]] * pmproxy debugging # Grafana shows only 1 week old data, but archive files with 2 weeks old data exist # looking at grafana query: 4b8c265752bd81ab18b4d8a45802c&start=1588916484&finish=1588916666&interval=0.01 # performing query manually curl 'http://localhost:44322/series/values?series=ed1fee808434b8c265752bd81ab18b4d8a45802c&start=1588916484&finish=1588916666&interval=0.01' [{"series":"ed1fee808434b8c265752bd81ab18b4d8a45802c","instance":"a2b4c26ae379f30881bfe0c82f6c30cc10d0934f","timestamp":1588916524035.758,"value":"4.284000e+00"}[..] => I always get "timestamp":1587801603901.84, and no newer timestamps. Also querying for start=1000000000 does not change that => Verify with pmrep on commandline if older data is available: pmrep -a 20200415.0 kernel.all.load -p -s 1000000000 \ -f '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'|head k.a.load k.a.load k.a.load 1 minute 5 minute 15 minut 2020-04-15 00:10:07 N/A N/A N/A 2020-04-15 00:10:08 N/A N/A N/A 2020-04-15 00:10:09 N/A N/A N/A 2020-04-15 00:10:10 N/A N/A N/A 2020-04-15 00:10:11 0.070 0.140 0.160 2020-04-15 00:10:12 0.070 0.140 0.160 2020-04-15 00:10:13 0.070 0.140 0.160 => Data is there..