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Some notes on the SansaFuze+ . Why buying such an old player? Because there is full support from rockbox! :)

As of February 2020, the Fuze+ is available from Amazon Japan, and .

Why rockbox?

Recovering from empty battery and not charging

When unpacking the Fuze+, the foam covers of the ear plugs immediately turned into dust. I think the device is really new, and has been in some warehouse for many years. The battery was apparently completely depleted. When connecting usb, the screen lighted up. I could mount the internal disk, run the Rockbox install program without errors - it copies files to the devices internal memory. Just, then disconnecting usb, and pressing on/off (the button at the top) did not work.

The device is apparently not even able to charge, one has to supply firmware so it starts charging. The rockbox site has excellent details, on my Fedora31 system I got files sbloader_64 and . Then, as instructed, disconnect USB, press the plus-button, connect usb, release the plus button after some seconds.

# the device appears like this
[root@電脳 ~]# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 008: ID 066f:3780 SigmaTel, Inc. STMP3780/i.MX23 SystemOnChip in RecoveryMode
[root@電脳 ~]# 

# flashing first failed:
[root@電脳 rockbox]# ./sbloader_64 
Device: 066f:3780 @ 1.8
libusb: error [submit_control_transfer] submiturb failed error -1 errno=16
Cannot probe transfer size, please specify it on command line.
[root@電脳 rockbox]# 

# using filesize
[root@電脳 rockbox]# ls -al 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 chris chris 688 Feb  6 12:07
[root@電脳 rockbox]# 
[root@電脳 rockbox]# ./sbloader_64 -x 688 
Device: 066f:3780 @ 1.8
Transfer size: 688
Error: cannot get status report
[root@電脳 rockbox]# ./sbloader_64 -x 688 
Device: 066f:3780 @ 1.8
Transfer size: 688
transfer error at init step
Error: cannot get status report
[root@電脳 rockbox]# 

Despite the “Error: cannot get status report”, the transfer was apparently successful. After 10 minutes I disconnected USB, and was able to start the device. Then connect USB and charge.