Table of Contents

First commands

pacman cheatsheet

# pacman setup
steamos-readonly disable
pacman-key --populate archlinux

# install mosh
pacman -S mosh

# Upgrade pacman packages:
pacman -Syu

# search for packages with ^apr
pacman -Ss '^apr'

# which package has file limits.h?
pacman -Fy limits.h


You can nicely install Fedora 39. Ventoy did not start, but writing a Fedora server image to a usb-stick, putting that into the steck deck dock, then keeping “volume down” pressed and pressing “power” allows to boot from the usb-stick. Also booting from usb3-connected NVMe enclosure works, but that is later in Anaconda not available for Fedora installation. Installing onto microsd card works.

I run Plasma. nebula virtual vpn. RHEL9 virtualized via KVM. Remote desktop via VNC works nicely: just execute 'krfb'. Plasma can also nicely do scaling, do you can stuff quite some things onto the 1280x screen.