What is interesting about the Japanese Language?

My notes from a short speech at local Toastmasters/Speechcraft group. Topic: “The most interesting things about the Japanese language to me”.

step by step

“step by step”, “piece by piece” → すこしずつ(少しずつ)、一歩一歩 for example, 「私は日本語の勉強を少しずつがんばっていきたいです。」

“日本人の知らない日本語” is very popular book in Japan.

ぼちぼち is a dialect that means step by step, not often used. 少しずつ、焦らずに、のんびり という意味です。 ぼちぼち日本語を習っています。→少しずつ日本語を習っています。