
dos2unix endofline conversion:

whats listening on what ports?

pulseaudio: sending audio to remote

kvm tuning

note This will increase chances of data loss, while improving performance! Not for production!

bash hacks

cpio usage

extract rpm files

what kind of ldap-server is running?

force screen blanking in x:

reread a partitionable onthefly

runtime lib-path variables:

backup via ssh/netcat:

drop ssh-publickeyfile:

create selfsigned cert (for apache etc.):

# step one - create the key and request:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 > new.cert.csr
# step two - remove the passphrase from the key (optional):
openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out new.cert.key
# step three - convert request into signed cert:
openssl x509 -in new.cert.csr -out new.cert.cert -req -signkey new.cert.key -days 730

show contents of x509-cert:

what dependencies does an rpm-file have?

show the top ten of cpu-using processes:

presentationsoftware, networkdiagrams

dump whole networkpackets:

install perlmodule:

how many percent of system are in use cpu-wise?

packet forwarding + nat:

create a 7GB sparse-file (uses space only when actually needed):

ssh pubkey restrictions of pubkey-auth onto executing something from an array of allowed comands:

irc-servers from europe:

rescan on linux for scsi/san-luns:

ask name-server for versioninfo:

create a pkcs12-cert:

Get cryptstring i.e. for httpasswd:

OpenSwan cvs checkout:

change cdrom in qemu virtualmachine

create a file, to compare time it takes between different media below

vmware config for shared disks (for testing clusterstuff)

create preallocated disk (not this spare thingy), use new scsi-bus (i.e. target 1.1 for shared disk), add options to vm-configfile.vmx:
  scsi1.sharedBus = "virtual"
  disk.locking = "false"
  diskLib.dataCacheMaxSize = "0" 

linux cpu-speed tuning

running slrn on my utf8-debian

LANG=en_GB.iso88591 luit -encoding ISO-8859-1 slrn -h

getting a remote firefox on 'ssh -X' shell

firefox -no-remote

setting rpm-queryformat to also see architecture of rpms by default

echo "%_query_all_fmt %%{name}-%%{version}-%%{release}.%%{arch}" >~/.rpmmacros

gnu parted

parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary 500M 100%
parted /dev/sdb align-check opt 1
parted /dev/sdb align-check opt 2


# creation
cryptsetup -v luksFormat /dev/sdb       # initial setup
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb usbbackup  # create mapping
pv/cat /dev/zero >/dev/mapper/usbbackup # initialization
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/usbbackup

# opening/mounting
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb usbbackup
mount /dev/mapper/usbbackup /mnt/usbbackup

# closing/umount
umount /mnt/usbbackup
cryptsetup luksClose usbbackup

sendmail: disable dns-usage for smarthost

echo 'hosts files' >/etc/mail/service.switch
echo 'aliases files' >>/etc/mail/service.switch
echo ' mailgw' >>/etc/hosts
vi # set 'DSmailgw'
echo 'O ServiceSwitchFile=/etc/mail/service.switch' >>/etc/mail/
echo 'O HostsFile=/etc/hosts' >>/etc/mail/

cpan with proxy

# export http_proxy=""
# export ftp_proxy=""
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
$ install Net::LDAP