Table of Contents


Notes on using some sensors via Zigbee, on Linux.

Note: while Zigbee can do mesh networking, typical sensors are not acting as 'routers' to extend range. Light bulbs etc. might act as router, or CC2530/CC2531 devices that are flashed with router firmware and plugged into a USB charger src.


# Connect the CC2531 on Linux, and /dev/ttyACM0 becomes available
ll /dev/ttyACM0
crw-rw----. 1 root dialout 166, 0 Dec 19 20:54 /dev/ttyACM0

# Next, install mosquito as MQTT broker
dnf -y install mosquitto nodejs nodejs-npm # Fedora
apt install mosquitto nodejs node-npm # Debian
systemctl start mosquitto

# Now, ensure Node.js is installed in right version
node --version # v10.X or later should be installed
npm --version # 6.X or later should be installed

# Now install zigbee2mqtt
git clone -b dev /opt/zigbee2mqtt
cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt
npm install

# activate graphical frontend
less data/configuration.example.yaml
vi data/configuration.yaml
# frontend: true

# Now run Zigbee2mqtt
npm start

# Now, to subscribe to all mqtt messages
mosquitto_sub -t '#' -v

# To send an example message
mosquitto_pub -m '<PAYLOAD>' -t 'path/to/topic' 


With the Thinkpad T590, I had mqtt and zigbee2mqtt running nicely, multiple sensors reporting. After initial setup in a Raspi400, all was running too. Then, it started failing when I did setup an AccessPoint hosted by the Raspi - sensors were no longer reporting, and could also not be interviewed.

link1 and link2 help very much. The issue seems to have been interference: using a USB extension cable solved the issue. Also, the device I use is known for bad quality, here are recommended ones.