install a cobbler-client

# on the cobbler slave:
cobbler system add --name=client --hostname=client \
  --mac=00:de:ad:be:ef:00:08 --ip= --profile=centos-i386

# lets check the kickstart-file is handed out correctly
cobbler system getks --name=client

# is the status ok?
cobbler list

tail -f /var/log/messages &

# on the host-linux:
cd /mnt/lv_public/kvm/images
cat ><<EOT
kvm \
    -hda client.img \
    -boot n \
    -m 512 \
    -k de \
    -name client \
    -net nic,macaddr=00:de:ad:be:ef:00:8 \
    -net vde,vlan=0
kvm-img create client.img 42G

sudo ./
# now in the sdl-window the network-installation should start