Steps for installing an Access point on Raspi4/Fedora. Starting experiments with smart plugs, I have to tell these vendors the passphrase of my wlan, so I create a throw-away network just for that, and use the raspi as AP.

dnf -y install hostapd dnsmasq

# We will use a dnsmasq instance controlled by NetworkManager,
# make sure the stand alone service does not interfere
systemctl stop dnsmasq
systemctl disable dnsmasq

nmcli con add type wifi ifname wlan0 mode ap \
  con-name fluxnet-iot-ap ssid 'fluxnet iot'
nmcli con modify fluxnet-iot-ap \
  ipv4.method shared \ bg \ 3 \
  wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk \
  wifi-sec.psk passphrase \
nmcli con up fluxnet-iot-ap

# et voila, clients can connect to the network..
cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/dnsmasq-wlan0.leases