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Creating a certificate authority. Nowadays, you already need it for testing an https webserver: create the CA, then a cert for the https service, and sign that cert. Import the CA cert into the browser, then access the https service.

CA generation with nss

This is the default on Fedora and RHEL, CentOS, ScientificLinux.

dnf -y install nss-tools


### create CA itself
cd /etc/pki/nssdb
mkdir CA_db
certutil -N -d CA_db
certutil -S -d CA_db -n "chorn test CA" \
  -s "CN=test,O=MYORG,L=Tokyo,C=JA" -t "CT,," -x -2
# Be sure to answer "Is this a CA certificate [y/N]?" with "y"!

# export cacert to x509
certutil -L -d CA_db -n "chorn test CA" -a -o CA_db/rootca.crt
# show details
certutil -L -d ./CA_db 

### create server/services db
mkdir /etc/pki/nssdb/server_db
certutil -N -d server_db
certutil -A -d server_db -n "chorn test CA" -t "TC,," -a -i CA_db/rootca.crt

### create a service cert, i.e. for https
certutil -R -d server_db \
  -a -o server_db/$SERVICENAME.req -v 12
certutil -C -d CA_db -c "chorn test CA" -a \
  -i server_db/$SERVICENAME.req -o server_db/$SERVICENAME.crt -2 # -6
certutil -A -d server_db -n $SERVICENAME -a \
  -i server_db/$SERVICENAME.crt -t ",,"
certutil -V -d server_db -u V -n $SERVICENAME

cd server_db/
openssl x509 -in $SERVICENAME.crt -noout -text
pk12util -d . -o $SERVICENAME.pk12 -n $SERVICENAME
openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -in $SERVICENAME.pk12 -out $SERVICENAME.pem

# create keyfile without passphrase
openssl rsa -in $SERVICENAME.pem \
  -out ${SERVICENAME}_key_nopass.pem

example httpd config

[root@rhel7a server_db]# yum -y install mod_ssl
[root@rhel7a server_db]# grep nssdb /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf 
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/nssdb/server_db/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/nssdb/server_db/rhel7a.fluxcoil.net_key_nopass.pem
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/pki/nssdb/CA_db/rootca.crt
[root@rhel7a server_db]# systemctl start httpd
snippets/linux_quickshotsetups/certificate_authority.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/13 12:06 by