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Summing up my current workflow to take pictures, get them into the computer, modify them and create the static album like .

typical workflow

  • taking pictures, currently using the Sony RX100
  • I am not into the habit of taking RAW, the Sony stores .jpg pictures in sufficiently good quality for me. This quality allows to store much more on the 32GB medium, while still having great resolution and quality of the stored picture.
  • I then create a new directory for the i.e. 3 weeks Japan trip, and copy a customized theme and a Makefile in there
  • Subdirectories get created, called i.e. “00_travel, 01_arrival and so on”.
  • Pictures from the cameras SD-card are copied to the computer, they are named i.e. P1020097.JPG .
  • To get the pictures with filenames reflecting the time they were taken, I use the following command which uses the utility exif, on Fedora installed using “yum install exif”. As you guessed, this uses the pictures exif informations:
# rename pic based on exif infos
for i in P*.JPG; do 
  mv $i $(exif $i | grep '^Date and Time (Origi' | sed -e 's,.*|,,' -e 's, ,_,' -e 's,:,,g').jpg; 
  • Then I review the resulting pictures with qiv (yum install qiv), a simple viewer. They get moved into the created subdirectories like “00_tavel”.
  • Now in the directories I
    • again review the pictures with qiv
    • for some I decide to only preserve a certain important part of the picture, or rework it like sharpening or such. For this I open the picture with “gimp”, modify the picture. For usual pictures I also scale down to resolution 1920×1200 in gimp. Pictures taken in portrait format are also automatically stored in that direction now by gimp. Really nice pictures I leave in higher resolution like 3840x to be used as wallpaper later.
    • Now I rotate portrait pictures 90°:
# for i in *; do if [[ $(identify -format '%[exif:orientation]' $i ) -eq 6 ]]; then 
#       echo "portrait found: $i"; convert $i -rotate 90 "$(echo $i|sed -e 's,\.jpg,_rotated.jpg,')"; 
#       rm $i
# fi; done
  • Now the following command converts landscape pictures to 1920x and portrait pictures to x1920. This resolution is sufficient for my usual pictures, and considerably smaller than default resulution. The command uses “identify” and “convert” from ImageMagick.
# for i in *jpg; do
#       echo -n "working on: $i ";  
#       if [[ $(identify -format '%[exif:orientation]' $i ) -eq 1 ]]; then
#               echo "landscape pic."; convert $i -resize 1920x "`echo $i|sed -e 's,\.jpg,_small.jpg,'`"; 
#       else  
#               echo "portrait pic."; convert $i -resize x1920 "`echo $i|sed -e 's,\.jpg,_small.jpg,'`";  
#       fi; 
# done
  • I run over the pictures with “qiv -fm *jpg” and delete either the small or the unchanged version pressing “d”.
  • Now all pictures in the directory are customized. Now I run “ls -1 *jpg >captions.txt” and modify that file, add descriptions for some of the pictures. Also reordering them here will lead to them reordered in the resulting album. “captions.txt” is a function of the “album” software.
  • Now, having this done for all subdirectories, I go to the main directory and run “make”. This runs the album script to create the static album. Album creates html files, creates small preview versions of the pictures and so on. The resulting directory can directly be offered via http.
  • I have a special make target to convert the pictures down, so I they consume much less space and I can present them on the “asus nexus 7” tabled. The Makefile:
        album -index index.html .

        for i in $( album -list_themes|grep ^Theme|sed -e 's,Theme: ,,' ); do 
                album -theme $i ; read

        mkdir -p nexus7
        for i in $(find [012]* -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.jpg'); do 
                convert $i -resize 1280x800 nexus7/$(echo $i | sed -e 's,.*/,,'); 
software/photo_workflow.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/13 12:06 by