Table of Contents


My notes on moving to Japan. See also here.


Trying to use indentation to illustrate dependencies, what is required for what, as of MArch 2016. Might depend on the country I come from, Germany, and change over time. Germans can stay for 3 months in Japan without Visa application in advance. This visa is glued into the passport, along with a paper “certificate of eligibility”. Startpoint for the dependency tree here is this work visa for Japan.

Renting a room

Various things have to be in place for renting a room.


Comparing my commuting time and other relevant factors, considering a flat in different parts of Tokyo.

恵比寿 麻布十番 世田谷 九品仏駅 大岡山駅 浮間
あざぶ十番 こほんぶつ おかやま
30qm prices -2 -3 -1 -1 -1 0
commute time bike 10min 20min 36min 45min 35min 90min
commute time train 0 20min 30min 15min 16min 50min
Jogging places near? 20min 20min 25min 15min 25min 10min
代々木 皇居 たま川 たま川 たま川 荒川
Good onsen in vicinity? 15min


Notes on various kinds of visa. Immigration site