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What is it?

I used in the past, but it was shut down and I got reminded that it was a free service someone else was hosting. Then I used feedly, but it was not optimal. Tiny Tiny RSS (ttrss) seems like the best solution for me. - Tiny Tiny RSS

Which version should I use?

Until 2021, I simply used a clone of the ttrss git repo, and updated that clone every now and then. Since 2021, the official/documented way of running ttrss is via containers. In 2023, I created a podman based version, which I'm using since then.

What if a page does not offer a feed?

Many pages are not as social as they should be, they are not offering feeds. ttrss can directly read feeds, but for example twitter needs extra care. I use 2 solutions for it:

  • rss-bridge : The bridge collection also provides interfaces for example for .
    • pro: provides pictures directly in the generated feed
    • con: can follow only one single person at a time. So I clutter my ttrss interface with 10 rss-bridge-twitter feeds, instead of one which includes all these single persons.
    • con: although I am following these persons, they can not see that
  • Self hosted, watches pages. link
    • not using it right now, as the RSS feed does not contain the actual change. So when I monitor a big page, I get notified 'it changed', but not hinted what.
  • own scripts: The German/Japanese association in Japan offers no feed, and the page where they announce new events is small - but the contents are broken and meant for visually be read, but not parsed by a machine. I gave up trying to write an own rss-brigde bridge and now fetch with 'lynx -dump' the visual interpretation daily, and monitor for changes with 'diff'. Also feed generator ( ) looks not to bad trying to generate a feed from the page.

Can I do schema updates manually?

Normally, I just update the ttrss code via 'git pull origin', and schema updates are then recognized. For a friend, the schema update takes so long that it runs into a timeout. How to execute the schema update manually?

The single incremental schema updates are in this directory for Postgres:
$ ls -rt ttrss/schema/versions/pgsql/

So if one is already on schema 138, one can access 
the ttrss-db and then execute the code from 139.sql.
$ su - postgres
[postgres]$ psql ttrss
<code from 139.sql>

Alternatively, “php update.php –schema-update” should work.

Ttrss update, docker based

# first, in the ttrss webinterface go to preferences/feeds and
# create an OPML export.  With that, you can restore your feeds
# later if something goes wrong.
cd /opt/soft/ttrss/ttrss-docker
git pull origin
docker-compose stop
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
# login again


  • Automatic logout: My browser session with ttrss works just one day, then I am logged out. Configure this in config.php to extend the session: define('SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME', 8640000);
  • Can I fetch and display content directly from ttrss? FeedIron can do that.
  • Mediathekviewweb rss checker. To search for “Midnight”:
  • Japanese Kanji and Hiragana appearing in different fonts? 'gucharmap' can for a given glyph show which font is used to render. The issue with ttrss though is that the theme is guiding to use the wrong font. I played with firefox font settings, but without good results. Now I use a custom theme with modified font settings to fix the issue.
podman exec -it rss-app sh
cd /var/www/html/tt-rss/themes
cp night.less night_cust.less
cp night.css night_cust.css
grep system-ui night_cust.css
sed -i 's/system-ui/"Noto Sans CJK JP"/' night_cust.css
software/tiny_tiny_rss.1709460577.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/03 10:09 by chris