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Links to my recent presentations and talks.

My computer history

  • Details on the most interesting pieces of hardware I got into my hands so far. #retro

Which BSD full fills my desktop requirements?

  • Held at AsiaBSDcon 2023 in Tokyo

School, education in corona time

  • How could school and education be moved to the web? Talks/help sessions done for a Japanese school, and the resulting material.

Similarities between former East Germany and Japan

  • Some serious and some not so serious parallels between both countries
  • Presented in 2021 to colleagues
  • Slides English, Japanese

Bit rot: would you notice if your harddisk lied to you?

10min talk at KichijojiKaigi #18

  • What is 'bit rot'?
  • Let's verify if our filesystems would warn you if bit rot occurs (it does not)
  • Let's use dm-integrity and verify that it helps us to detect bit rot
  • Ideas and approaches to correct bit rot, future.

Linux monitoring sensors (lmsensors)

Talk at PCP conference 2019 in Melbourne.

  • Findings from my first foray into PCP - updating the lmsensors metrics (PMDA) code.
  • The motivation for making these changes were discussed. I covered the various implementation stages, documentation, aids for new developers and ideas for further improvement.

Things about East Germany and Christian Horn

At a local association in a part of Tokyo/八王子 (Hachiouji). The association is educating locals with English, and helping foreigners in their life at Japan. My speech was in English.

  • Self introduction
  • Introducing my hometown
  • East Germany, and the German reunification.

VDO, the transparent deduplication/compression layer

Presented at Tokyo Linux users group in July 2018:

i18n on Linux by example: Japanese

Internationalization/Localization on Linux, taking Japanese as example. Looking into the details I am hitting with Japanese on Linux.

  • What are i18n and l10n? What is it good for?
  • How to read files with “exotic” contents
  • What are character encodings, what are the most important ones?
  • Unicode output on Linux
  • Converting encodings
  • Input of Russian or Japanese characters
  • Locales: influencing behavior of programs
  • i18n for webpages and email, i18n in BIOS/console/UEFI

A Sysadmins guide to Authentication and Authorization

  • Audience: Sysadmins, People interested in Authentication/Authorization
  • contents:
    • workings of kerberos/ldap/directories
    • historical view over software providing these services
    • interaction of unix/windows-worlds, crossrealm auth
  • first time presented: May 2009

What's up at the virtualization/emulation front?

  • Audience: Sysadmins, People interested in virtualization
  • contents:
    • workings/basic technology of virtualization and emulation
    • historical view over software providing these services
    • summary of causes for virtualization
  • first time presented: January 2010
  • also presented at Easterhegg 2010 in Munich, link to recording link to the slides LaTeX sources

Using cobbler in a not so small environment

  • Audience: Sysadmins, People interested in deployments
  • contents: explaining basic operation and terms of cobbler, why cobbler was chosen + alternatives, details on companies cobbler setup and the surrounding infrastructure
  • first time presented: June 2010 @OpenSource Datacenter Conference in Nuremberg
presentations.1692882542.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/24 13:09 by chris